Search Results: "obergix"

30 March 2014

Olivier Berger: Switched from gnome flashback-session to XFCE

I ve gotten fed up with Gnome flashback session annoyances on Debian testing, so, for a bit more than a month now I m running XFCE 4. So far so good. YMMV but if you ve not made the switch to Gnome 3 s shell and all the JS enabled novelties, XFCE might be an option.

29 December 2013

Olivier Berger: Touchpad side scrolling enabling in gnome flashback

For whatever reason, the touchpad right edge would no longer allow me to do scrolling (like the usual middle wheel on the mouse) under the gnome flashback session in Debian testing. Here's a way to make it work : . This post provides a more elaborate script : reusing an example script (in Debian, in /usr/share/doc/gnome-settings-daemon/examples/, but attention: it may be invoked twice, if like on my system, once for an "AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint" and then for a "PS/2 Mouse", but resetting the VertEdgeScroll to 0 in between. So the script looks like that on my system, now :
 if [ "$device" = "AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint" -o "$device" = "PS/2 Mouse" ]; then
        synclient VertEdgeScroll=1
I guess there's some kind of a bug here... but the gnome session is a hell when needing to spot the culprit package to report to, so for once, I'll let reportbug quiet. Hope this helps

6 November 2013

Olivier Berger: Generating WebID profiles for Debian project members

I ve been investigating the generation of WebID profiles for Debian project members for some time. After earlier experiments on, in a static and very hackish manner, I ve investigated the use of Django. Django is no random choice, as it is being used in several ongoing efforts to rewrite some Debian Web services. Among these is a new LDAP UserDir, which could replace the current version which runs, started by Luca Filipozzi and Martin Zobel-Helas. I ve worked on integrating some of the LDAP querying code written by Luca together with the Django WebID provider app written by Ben Nomadic (both modified by me), and the result is a bit hackish for the moment. It s very early, but allows the generation of WebID profiles for Debian project members, using data queried in Debian s LDAP directory, and adding TLS certs to the profiles. The TLS certs could in principle be used later as a WebID + TLS authentication mechanism. There s plenty of work ahead, and this may never be deployed, but as an example see the kind of way such WebID profile documents may look (in Turtle format) :
@prefix cert: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix wot: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
<> a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument ;
    foaf:primaryTopic <> .
<#gpgkey> a wot:Pubkey ;
    wot:fingerprint "ACE46EBD89F6656D6642660BE941DEDA7C5BB6A5" ;
    wot:pubkeyAddress <ttps://> .
<> a foaf:Person ;
    cert:key [ a cert:RSAPublicKey ;
            rdfs:label "key made on [...] on my laptop" ;
            cert:exponent 65537 ;
            cert:modulus "bb7d5735181c7687a09abf3c88a064513badfe351f14fc2d738978a7f573d12eb831140a7a02c579f31f4617c14145493aeff4009832ba7fd1c579d6da92f68cd4437072266b000451d6eb45c03cd00b20e1f2230d83bdc3caeebb317e6618dd38a3f53abbbb2b6495a893495d3df685a2f0f599be8a74ef88841ce283dd8f65"^^xsd:hexBinary ],
        [ a cert:RSAPublicKey ;
            rdfs:label "key made on [...] on my laptop" ;
            cert:exponent 65537 ;
            cert:modulus "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"^^xsd:hexBinary ] ;
    foaf:homepage <> ;
    foaf:mbox "" ;
    foaf:name "Olivier Berger" ;
    foaf:nick "obergix" ;
    wot:hasKey <#gpgkey> .
If you re interested in WebID in the frame of Debian project services, see the discussion list.

28 October 2013

Olivier Berger: Closed my LinkedIn account

I've just closed my LinkedIn account, in reaction to the recent announcements on their ill behaviour re. their user's data (in particular emails). Even if I didn't allow my mail to ever pass through their servers, I think I've been their product long enough. If I ever am looking for a job in the future, I do hope that my track record in various code repositories will speak better than my resume in LinkedIn database. From time to time I've had the need to check on someone's profile there... but I guess I'll have to do without it. I shall update my WebID in the next days, to complement the move ;-)

11 September 2013

Olivier Berger: Publishing RDF views for tastypie/django resources

Here s some documentation about a hack I ve been working on to allow publication of RDF views for Tastypie resources (in Django applications). While working on implementing support for RDF meta-data for descriptions of Debian packages for the Debian Package Tracking System rewrite, I ve tried and idetify which libraries/frameworks would allow to create some RDF views for Django model objects with a minimal effort. Ideally, this would save the hassle of writing code, and could just be a matter of mapping some Django model fields to proper ontology attributes. I haven t found an existing tool to do so, but it seemed to me that Tastypie could offer a nice starting point. Tastypie (I focused on v. 0.9.15 which is currently in Debian testing) offers some REST content-negociation support, and other niceties. This post is an attempt at documenting an initial implementation for my problem. I ve implemented it as some code in the example blog application described in the Tastypie documentation. Unfortunately, it s not yet a patch that could be applied to Tastypie, to add this as a standard feature. The code is available in my git clone of Tastypie, based on 0.9.15, and lies in the commit(s) between the example_myapp and rdfviews branches. It needs an up to date RDFLib to work (Debian s is too old, btw). It basically relies on the addition of a _rdf_mapping dict in the Django model objects, and an RdfModelResource as a base class for Tastypie ModelResources. To provide an RDF view for a ModelResource, it also requires to declare a particular MetaClass, and adding a few bits to its Meta subclass. The principle is that the dehydratation steps of the Tastypie system will replace fields values by their RDF objects counterparts, as either RDFLib Literals or URIRefs. Then the resuting Bundle will be converted to some RDFLib Graph. It is then just a matter of serialization of that Graph to turtle (I ve not added another format, but it should be pretty straightforward). There s a bit of hackish drak magic in the code, in particular when introspecting the Tastypie / Django resource / model objects to be able to dynamically add some dehydrate_FOO methods to perform the conversion to Literals or URIRefs. Custom dehydrateFoo methods can still be written to process the fields in particular ways. I ve added some LDP style paging along the way, so I hope it will be quite usable by LDP compatible tools. Here s the result : First, listing all resources : $ curl -H 'Accept: text/turtle' "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/entry/"
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix ldp: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sioc: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
</api/v1/entry/#list> dcterms:hasPart </api/v1/entry/1/#post>,
</api/v1/entry/3/#post> .
Then, details of one particular post : $ curl -L -H 'Accept: text/turtle' "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/entry/1"
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sioc: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
</api/v1/entry/1/#post> a sioc:Post ;
dcterms:created "2011-05-21T22:46:38+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dcterms:title "Another Post" ;
sioc:content "MESSAGE: This will prbbly be my lst post. /MESSAGE" ;
sioc:has_creator </api/v1/user/1/> ;
owl:sameAs </posts/another-post#post> .

I hope this is usable, and welcome any feedback.

8 July 2013

Olivier Berger: Experimenting with Linked Open Data about FLOSS projects : matching Debian upstream projects

I ve been experimenting with Linked Open Data about FLOSS projects harvested from different sources of DOAP or ADMS.SW descriptions. I ve tried and match upstream projects of Debian packages with upstream projects hosted at Apache, Gnome, or, or catalogued on Pypi. I m matching them on identical values of the Homepage field (comparing the Homepage Control field set by Debian packagers with the doap:homepage meta-data in the RDF documents harvested from the upstream project catalogues). Here are initial results of my little experiment, for number of matched projects, and results on project name s similarity :
Upstream catalogue Total matching projs Exact same project name Same project name (case independant)
apache 31 0 (0 %) 0 (0 %)
alioth 16 13 (81 %) 13 (81 %)
pypi 439 217 (49 %) 273 (62 %)
gnome 21 0 (0 %) 7 (33 %)
Total 507 230 (45%) 293 (58 %)
The data set contains tens of thousands of projects, with probably many duplicates, but from all of these, only 507 have common homepages. As you can see, in some cases, the Debian source package names match the upstream project name (sometimes with lower/upper case variants), but in general, the project names aren t identical, so it is interesting to try and match them by homepage. For the curious ones, the Apache, Gnome and Pypi project catalogues use to provide RDF meta-data for quite some time. More recently have we introduced ADMS.SW meta-data for Debian source packages, and even more recently for the Alioth projects (through the ADMS.SW exporter plugin for FusionForge). There are still some ways for improvements, for instance to normalize homepage URLs which tend to vary (trailing slashes, or different HTTP/HTTPS schemes). Stay tuned for more details.

6 June 2013

Olivier Berger: New paper Authoritative linked data descriptions of debian source packages using ADMS.SW accepted at OSS 2013

I ll be presenting Authoritative linked data descriptions of debian source packages using ADMS.SW at OSS 2013. Here s the abstract :
The Debian Package Tracking System is a Web dashboard for Debian contributors and advanced users. This central tool publishes the status of subsequent releases of source packages in the Debian distribution. It has been improved to generate RDF meta-data documenting the source packages, their releases and links to other packaging artifacts, using the ADMS.SW 1.0 model. This constitutes an authoritative source of machine-readable Debian facts and proposes a reference URI naming scheme for Linked Data resources about Debian packages. This should enable the interlinking of these Debian package descriptions with other ADMS.SW or DOAP descriptions of FLOSS projects available on the Semantic Web also using Linked Data principles. This will be particularly interesting for traceability with upstream projects whose releases are packaged in Debian, derivative distributions reusing Debian source packages, or with other FLOSS distributions.
If you are interested, a previous paper which describes the same experiment is available online. See also previous installments on ADMS.SW in this blog.

24 May 2013

Olivier Berger: First deployment of the FusionForge ADMS.SW plugin publishing projects meta-data as Linked Data

In the series of my efforts of pushing for more Linked Data to be published by FLOSS development tools, here s another installment. The ADMS.SW plugin for FusionForge that I ve developped has seen its first public deployment on the ADULLACT forge, thanks to the funding of the ISA programme of the European Commission. This means that the 500 more projects hosted on the ADULLACT forge, mainly developped by public adminstrations, are now documented using the RDF Turtle dialect, as Linked Data. A first use can be for Free and Open source portals which will be able to harvest them from the source. See more details at First deployment of ADMS.SW plugin for FusionForge on Adullact. Other forges are expected to follow, like CENATIC s or Debian s Alioth, all powered by FusionForge. The plugin is not yet perfect, and in particular wrt performance issues, but that was kind of expected from a first prototype. Stay tuned for more news.

11 April 2013

Olivier Berger: Slides + Manual + programs generated from single org-mode source

I ve been working on maintaining lecture slides and a manual, by writing a single source org-mode file. From a single source I want to be able to generate different output PDFs, only changing a few switches : The slides may contain notes. Here s an archive that contains an example document and complementary files. See this documentation document for more details (itself maintained with such an .org source).

7 April 2013

Olivier Berger: Migrating picture tags from KPhotoAlbum to digiKam (or others) through IPTC

I've occasionally used KPhotoAlbum for a few years and eventually added many tags to the pictures. But I've decided I wanted to try other tools, and digiKam seems to be the best option from the many reviews I've read. Still, there's apparently no automatic feature to import into digiKam the tags set in KPhotoAlbum. Fortunately, some smart people have implemented Perl tools allowing to overcome this issue. The process involves modifying the pictures to save the tags inside the files, using the IPTC standard. Then, digiKam will be able to load the tags from the modified files. Here's a copy of the (translated) script (the original as in french) I copied from this blog post (in french too). I've been able to generate .deb packages for the required 2 perl libs dependencies using the method described in the referenced post , with : dh-make-perl --build --cpan Image::Kimdaba and dh-make-perl --build --cpan Image::IPTCInfo

Thanks to Pierre Doucet and Bruno Adele for sharing this. Hope this helps.

5 April 2013

Olivier Berger: Using RDF metadata for traceability among projects and distributions presented at DistroRecipes 2013

I ve given a lightning talk at Distro Recipes 2013 about what I ve been working on for several months: adding Semantic meta-data to Debian PTS, and stuff. Here are my slides :
<iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" height="356" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen" scrolling="no" src="" style="border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitallowfullscreen" width="427"> </iframe> An in PDF. Thanks to the Hupstream staff and other participants of Distro Recipes for the interesting discussions and contacts. Looking forward to participating to the next edition.

29 March 2013

Olivier Berger: Managing Python code with UTF-8 (french chars) in org-mode + babel + minted for LaTeX export

The goal of this article is to illustrate how to manage Python code which includes comments in UTF-8 characters inside a latin-1 source org-mode for LaTeX export. Note that I ve pasted in wordpress the HTML generated by org-mode, so I hope it isn t broken too much. My typical use case is a french lecture on Python where the text is written in french, as well as some of the code comments and examples We ll use org-mode s babel module to include and manage the Python
examples. The goal is to write the source of the Python programs
directly in the same org source as the class book s text, and to extract them into a subdir (with the tangle feature), so that they can be shipped to the students to experiment with. The minted LaTeX environment is used, for babel, to make the Python syntax highlighting.

1.1 Issues
  • The source org-mode is in latin-1 so that it compiles with pdflatex
  • The examples source-code will be in UTF-8 so that Python 2.7 executes them well on a modern Linux desktop
  • Minted relies on pygmentize wich doesn t seem to handle UTF-8 so well

1.2 Solution
We ll show how to patch minted s use of pygmentize to take advantage
of its conversion capacity to convert the Python sources from UTF-8 to
latin-1 at document rendering time (LaTeX compilation). It s a hack, but works. The current document s source shows how this works

1.2.1 Customization
The org document should contain the following headers :
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[latin1] inputenc 
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[french] babel 
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage color \usepackage minted 
and the footers :
# Local Variables:
# coding: latin-1
# org-src-preserve-indentation: true
# tab-width: 4
# End:
Also note that pdflatex should use the -shell-escape option necessary for minted Now, the document should also include the following patch for minted :
#+LATEX_HEADER: \makeatletter
#+LATEX_HEADER: \renewcommand\minted@pygmentize[2][\jobname.pyg] 
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \def\minted@cmd pygmentize -l #2 -f latex -F tokenmerge
#+LATEX_HEADER:     \minted@opt gobble  \minted@opt texcl  \minted@opt mathescape 
#+LATEX_HEADER:     \minted@opt startinline  \minted@opt funcnamehighlighting 
#+LATEX_HEADER:     \minted@opt linenos  -P "verboptions=\minted@opt extra "
#+LATEX_HEADER:     -O encoding=UTF-8,outencoding=iso-8859-1 -o \jobname.out.pyg #1 
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \immediate\write18 \minted@cmd 
#+LATEX_HEADER:   % For debugging, uncomment:
#+LATEX_HEADER:   %\immediate\typeout \minted@cmd 
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \ifthenelse \equal \minted@opt@bgcolor 
#+LATEX_HEADER:     \begin minted@colorbg \minted@opt@bgcolor 
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \input \jobname.out.pyg 
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \ifthenelse \equal \minted@opt@bgcolor 
#+LATEX_HEADER:     \end minted@colorbg 
#+LATEX_HEADER:   \DeleteFile \jobname.out.pyg 
#+LATEX_HEADER: \makeatother
The important change is the addition of the -O encoding=UTF-8,outencoding=iso-8859-1 option of pygmentize, that will convert the UTF-8 source code to latin-1. Hopefully most of the characters will convert fine, for a document written in french.

2 Examples

2.1 Basic Python
This is a generic verbatim example, which doesn t use babel / minted.
$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Jan  2 2013, 16:53:07) 
[GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print "Hello, world!"
Hello, world!

2.2 Python source code for french speakers
Here, we first include the source code, so that it can be exported to
an examples/ subdir, with the following (note that the #+ BEGIN_src / #+ END_src should be changed to get rid of the space
character between + and BEGIN / END, and that the :shebang and following text should be on the BEGIN_SRC line I seem to have not quoted
these properly in this document):
#+name: helloworld
#+ BEGIN_src python :tangle examples/ :noweb yes \\
:shebang #!/usr/bin/python :padline no :exports none
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Ceci est un exemple d'affichage d'une cha ne accentu e
name = raw_input("Quel est v tre nom ? ")
print "J'esp re que  a va bien aujourd'hui", name
#+ END_src
Editing it with C-c will open an UTF-8 buffer, so hopefully, this will be consistent with the utf-8 coding system declared on the second line. The regeneration of the examples/ file is made with C-c C-v t (babel tangling ). Note that we don t add the #!/usr/bin/python first line in the source, as we want it to be added by the tangling process (which will also make the script executable). Once this is done, the script may be run :
$ python examples/ 
Quel est v tre nom ? Fran ois
J'esp re que  a va bien aujourd'hui, cher Fran ois
Now, to add the colorized rendering in the lecture book, we do (here again, remove the spaces):
# +BEGIN_latex
\inputminted python examples/ 
# +END_latex
And here it is, rendered by minted:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Ceci est un exemple d'affichage d'une cha ne accentu e
name = raw_input("Quel est v tre nom ? ")
print "J'esp re que  a va bien aujourd'hui, cher", name
Here are links to : the source, the PDF result, and the generated Python program.

26 February 2013

Olivier Berger: Python RDF example of a MySQL triple store thanks to redland/librdf

In a way similar to my previous post about persisting graphs in PostGreSQL in PHP, here s similar examples for Python and MySQL. Note that you may need to adjust the MySQL table creation templates if you re running librdf version 1.0.16 (see this bug for details). The first example will load data from a file, and store the parsed model to the RDBMS, while the second example, will reload the model and issue queries on it. These examples don t do much, but hopefully, they ll help you get started if you re interested in using redland/librdf. One potential benefit can be interoperability with other languages like PHP, for instance if you re running harvesters in Python that will save facts in a triple store, which is then accessed by a PHP application that will publish a Web interface.

8 February 2013

Olivier Berger: RDF development in PHP with a PostGreSQL triple store thanks to the LibRDF OO wrapper for redland/librdf

Redland/librdf offers powerful features like being able to persist an RDF model to a relational database (only PostGreSQL seems to work on my setup with 1.0.16, but I may have misconfigured it). You can then do SPARQL queries over the model, and lots of other nice things. Unfortunately, the default PHP bindings are not really object-oriented, so the code isn t looking so good. But thanks to a gentleman named David Shea, there is an object-oriented library named LibRDF (case is sensitive), that helps write nice looking PHP. I discovered it via the blog post of Felix Ostrowski, who took over the maintenance of the LibRDF library (still the docs live on the original author s site). In his post, Felix illustrates how you may use it to parse Richard Cyganiak s FOAF profile. But the examples he gives don t illustrate the full potential of persistence of the RDF graph into the DB. Here s my contribution in 2 examples that will hopefully help : first, one that load Richard s FOAF to the DB, and one, that later retrieve the saved model and perform the same query (both pushed to my github clone of the library). There may be some problems with the use of librdf, including its availability, as it is not full PHP of course and I ve heard of memory management problems, but, depening on your needs, this may be quite handy for writing Linked Data applications.

1 February 2013

Olivier Berger: The Debian Package Tracking System now publishes Turtle RDF meta-data

The Debian PTS now speaks the Turtle representation format for the export of RDF meta-data about Debian source packages. Alongside HTML pages for humans, and the RDF/XML that had already been added to it this means that a new flavour of RDF is now available. The Turtle format offers the benefits of both machine-readable meta-data, and a somehow human readable textual format too. For instance, you may check the apache2 Turtle meta-data from the command-line with :
$ curl -L -s -H "Accept: text/turtle" Here s a link to a colorized HTML preview of Under the hood, the XSLT stylesheets of the PTS have been reworked to produce the Turtle format by default, and later convert them to RDF/XML. Every Debian source package then has a reference URI in the Linked Data word, in the form, that redirects, through proper content-negociation (the HTTP Accept header) to the HTML, RDF/XML or Turtle documents. For apache2, these are, resp. at, and The meta-data uses the model of the ADMS.SW ontology (1.0), and the content has also been slightly updated to make it more conformant to the ADMS.SW specifications (checks done with the ADMS.SW validator). Let s hope this makes RDF more familiar to Debian folks, and allows more Linked Data interlinking with other resources about FLOSS packages.

16 January 2013

Olivier Berger: Scheduling appointments with capture template from org-agenda view

I've been frustrated by my inability to schedule appointments directly from the org-agenda view, for quite some time, but I think I've found a way. If like me you're using org-mode to manage your appointments, you're probably using SCHEDULED TODO items that can be entered in your system using org-capture templates. A typical scenario is I'm asked by a colleague (face to face or on the phone) when I'm available to schedule a meeting or some other activity. I'm then firing an agenda view, and browse through the dates available... then agreeing on an empty slot, I'm capturing the meeting... but then I have to C-c C-s to add the SCHEDULED marker and set the correct date, although I was previously on that exact date in the org-agenda view :-/ The solution seems to be with the 'k c' command, i.e. the capture org-agenda-action in the agenda view. From the docs :
k runs the command org-agenda-action, which is an interactive compiled
c     Call  org-capture' with cursor date as the default date
Exactly what I need : it will prompt me for a capture template, which I just have to set to a template containing "SCHEDULED: %t". Excerpt from my .emacs :
'(org-capture-templates (quote (("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline "~/org/" "TACHES") "* TODO %^ Brief description  %^g
    Added: %U
%a") ("n" "Notes" entry (file+datetree "~/org/") "* %^ topic  %T %^g
%a") ("d" "Scheduled appointment" entry (file+headline "~/org/" "TACHES") "* TODO %^ Brief description  %^g
Tadaaa ! it works :-)

6 December 2012

Olivier Berger: A 30 minutes introduction to git

I ve been looking for a set of slides that I could have reused to make a 30 minutes introduction to my colleagues at the computer science department. Finding none that would be suitable (i.e. including graphical examples and not only being the canvas for a workshop), I tried to proceed with making one of my own. I ve reused the document git concepts simplified, whose content seemed quite good, and have converted it to a set of slides. Here s the result, which has been reworked a bit vs. the original git concepts simplified : <iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" height="356" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen" scrolling="no" src="" style="border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitallowfullscreen" width="427"> </iframe>
An introduction to git from olberger
Here s the PDF version. Note that if you prefer a version that aligns more with the original, here s also an older version, in : Update: For the lone reader that cannot attend my presentation, I should recommend to read first the HTML version by Sitaram at git concepts simplified, as the slides miss some details (which I ve kept in the beamer notes only), then only refer to my slides in a second time, for some additions. If you want the org-mode source (containing the dot source of the diagrams), contact me. I ll maybe upload the source into some Git repo whan I have enough demand/time ;)

25 November 2012

Olivier Berger: Presented Generating Linked Data descriptions of Debian packages in the Debian PTS at the Paris Mini DebConf

I have made a presentation at the Paris MinDebconf 2012 about the work I ve done to bring more semantic meta-data to the Debian PTS (see previous posts). Here are my slides :
<iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" height="356" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen" scrolling="no" src="" style="border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitallowfullscreen" width="427"> </iframe>
Generating Linked Data descriptions of Debian packages in the Debian PTS from olberger
Also available here as PDF.

9 November 2012

Olivier Berger: Using a DreamPlug with Debian as an IPv4/IPv6 router for a home LAN behind a FreeBox

The goal of this article is to describe the setup I've made for my home LAN behind a FreeBox (French ISP

1 Principles
The FreeBox is configured :
  • in router mode (with a local IPv4 network on 192.168.0.x/24)
  • with IPv6 support activated (by convention, we'll use the 2a01:e35:1234:5678::/64 prefix below, to represent the IPv6 prefix provided by the FreeBox)
Behind the FreeBox, I have connected a DreamPlug computer (running Debian wheezy with a dual-boot setup as sold by NewIT) on its eth0 etherlink port. Behind the DreamPlug, I have connected a switch (to its eth1 ethernet port), on which the LAN's machines will be connected, on a dual IPv4/IPv6 network. The IPv4 will be on (addresses for machines connected to the switch will be static) while the IPv6 will use the addresses auto-generated on the FreeBox's prefix. The DreamPlug will also provide a wifi network (in master mode, through its uap0 interface), only IPv4 on On the DreamPlug, the outgoing IPv4 traffic will be masqueraded, while the IPv6 traffic will be bridged so that machines on the LAN can be reached from the Internet directly, passing through the eth0 eth1 bridge. The DreamPlug will also act as a filter/firewall to only allow selected traffic to reach the LAN machines (in particular for the IPv6, since the machines may be reached directly from the Internet otherwise).

1.1 Alternatives
There are a lot of howtos describing the setup of FreeBox + IPv6, but I couldn't find one that was exactly reflecting the kind of setup I have. Some dealt with a FreeBox setup in bridge mode (i.e. not the router mode), but in case the DreamPlug isn't so much reliable, or I've messed with the config, I'm tempted to keep the possibility to connect directly to the FreeBox. Others didn't use the same setup with a router distributing both wired and wifi networks. And note described exactly the setup for a DreamPlug running Debian wheezy and using ferm as a firewall. No, there's no NIH syndrom here ;)

2 DreamPlug router configuration

2.1 Interfaces configuration
The /etc/network/interfaces on the DreamPlug looks like the following (kudos to Dag Bertelsen's Setting up Dreamplug as a router with Shorewall firewall for the wifi configuration bits):
# Note: Order of the interfaces declarations matters

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto uap0
iface uap0 inet static
post-up /usr/bin/uaputl sys_cfg_ssid dream-uAP-XXXX
# Modus WPA2
post-up /usr/bin/uaputl sys_cfg_protocol 32
# WLAN password
post-up /usr/bin/uaputl sys_cfg_wpa_passphrase "WHATEVER PASSWORD"
# Set the Cipher
post-up /usr/bin/uaputl sys_cfg_cipher 8 8
# automatic channel
post-up /usr/bin/uaputl sys_cfg_channel 0 1
post-up /usr/bin/uaputl bss_start
# we deliver addresses for the Wifi with DHCP
post-up /usr/sbin/service udhcpd start

# Only IP6 traffic passes through the router between the Freebox on eth0 and the LAN on eth1
auto br0
iface br0 inet manual
bridge_ports eth0 eth1
bridge_maxwait 0
pre-up ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -p ! ipv6 -j DROP
down ebtables -t broute -F

# Connected to the FreeBox, with DHCP in IPv4, masquerading outgoing IPv4 traffic
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
down iptables -t nat -F
post-up sysctl -q -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
iface eth0 inet6 auto

# Connected to the LAN with a static IPv4 address
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

2.2 DHCP server configuration
The DHCP config for udhcpd is as such (in /etc/udhcpd.conf):
interface uap0
opt lease 86400
opt router
opt subnet
opt dns
opt domain localdomain
max_leases 101
lease_file /var/lib/udhcpd.leases
auto_time 5

2.3 Firewall configuration
The firewall I use is ferm. Here's the /etc/ferm/ferm.conf configuration (YMMV). Thanks to Ren Garcia's R gles de firewall pour un pont IPv6 for inspiration :
## Interfaces of the router

# Our LAN on a switch
@def $DEV_PRIVATE = eth1;

# The ISP router
@def $DEV_WORLD = eth0;

# Our Wifi LAN
@def $DEV_WIFI = uap0;

## IP networks of our LAN

# IPv4 (includes ethernet switch and wifi)
@def $NET_PRIVATE =;

# IPv6 (the prefix granted by the ISP)
@def $NET6_PRIVATE = 2a01:e35:1234:5678::/64;

# IPv6 Local link
@def $LINK6 = fe80::/10;

# Specific machines on the LAN
@def $MACHINE_MYDESKTOP = 2a01:0e35:1234:5678:1234:5678:9abc:def0;

# Special function to log dropped packets
@def &DROP() =
mod limit limit 1/second limit-burst 10 LOG log-prefix "$DOMAIN-$CHAIN: ";

# IPv4 iptables rules
table filter
chain INPUT
policy DROP;

# connection tracking
mod state state INVALID DROP;

# allow local packet
interface lo ACCEPT;

# respond to ping
#proto icmp ACCEPT;
proto icmp icmp-type echo-request ACCEPT;

# allow IPsec
proto udp dport 500 ACCEPT;
proto (esp ah) ACCEPT;

# allow SSH connections from the private network and from some
# well-known internet hosts
#saddr ($NET_PRIVATE proto tcp dport ssh ACCEPT;
saddr $NET_PRIVATE proto tcp dport ssh ACCEPT;

# we provide DNS and SMTP services for the internal net
interface $DEV_PRIVATE saddr $NET_PRIVATE
proto (udp tcp) dport domain ACCEPT;
proto tcp dport smtp ACCEPT;

interface $DEV_WIFI
proto udp dport 67:68 ACCEPT;
proto (udp tcp) dport domain ACCEPT;

proto udp dport netbios-dgm DROP;

# LOG all dropped packets
proto (udp tcp) &DROP();

# outgoing connections are not limited
chain OUTPUT policy ACCEPT;

policy DROP;

# connection tracking
mod state state INVALID DROP;

# connections from the internal net to the internet or to other
# internal nets are allowed
interface $DEV_WIFI ACCEPT;

# LOG all dropped packets
proto (udp tcp) &DROP();

# IPv4 masquerade / NAT support

table nat
# masquerade private IP addresses

## IPv6:

domain ip6
table filter

chain INPUT
policy DROP;

# Internal traffic authorized
saddr $LINK6 ACCEPT;

# accept multicast
daddr ff00::/8 ACCEPT;

interface lo ACCEPT;

# For public traffic
# Only DNS resolution + NTP acceped for UDP
interface br0
proto udp

sport domain ACCEPT;

dport ntp ACCEPT;


# TCP on ports < 1024 forbidden except for SSH
proto tcp

dport ssh ACCEPT;

dport 0:1023 DROP;

# Accepted established traffic
mod state state INVALID DROP;

# incoming connections forbidden
proto tcp syn DROP;

# Accept ping
proto icmpv6 ACCEPT;

proto (udp tcp) &DROP();

policy DROP;

# All local traffic accepted
saddr $LINK6 ACCEPT;

# All ping accepted unless coming from internet
saddr ! $NET6_PRIVATE proto icmpv6 icmp-type echo-request DROP;
proto icmpv6 ACCEPT;

# Allow SSH to specific machines
proto tcp daddr $MACHINE_MYDESKTOP dport ssh ACCEPT;

# Accept established traffic
mod state state INVALID DROP;

# Accept outgoing traffic

# Accept local outgoing traffic
saddr ::1 ACCEPT;

proto (udp tcp) &DROP();

# ebtables
domain eb chain FORWARD
policy DROP;

# Only accept bridged traffic for IPv6
logical-in br0 logical-out br0
#ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -p ! ipv6 -j DROP
proto IPv6 ACCEPT;

2.4 DNS config

The DreamPlug will run bind9 to cache the DNS for the wifi network (default config is OK out of the box).

3 Configuration for the LAN machines

3.1 Connection with Wifi
Machines connected with the WPA wifi network should get an IPv4 only address via DHCP on the network. There's nothing to be configured specifically.

3.2 Ethernet connection on the switch
Machines connected via ethernet cables to the switch can run either with IPv4 config, in which case they should be configured statically for the network, using the router on as a gateway, or with IPv6 auto config. On wheezy, the /etc/network/interfaces will look like :
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

iface eth1 inet6 auto

4 To do list

The setup works fine, but there are a few things I'd like to improve :
  • running a regular Debian distro on the DreamPlug (the kernel used at the moment is patched for the wifi driver in master mode support), possibly using only Free Software.
  • using subnets for the IPv6 machines (but that seems not exactly obvious, requiring NDP proxying and stuff), so that the privacy is improved (the IPv6 auto generated global addresses depend on the MAC addresses hmmm probably not optimal).
  • adding more stuff to the DreamPlug router so that it becomes a full fledged FreedomBox.

5 References

Date: 2012-11-09 16:30:34 CET

29 August 2012

Olivier Berger: Debian Package Tracking System now produces RDF description of source packages

Here s a second post on the subject of RDF descriptions for Debian source packages (see the previous post for some context). From now on, the Debian Package Tracking System (PTS) will produce, alongside HTML pages meant for humans, RDF pages meant for Linked Data / Semantic Web aware applications. Every Debian source package, which used to have an HTML page like now has a corresponding RDF/XML document available provided that the application/rdf+xml content-type is required (the HTTP client being redirected to the proper HTML or RDF document).

The main objective is to try and produce (closest as possible from the source, at an authoritative description of Debian s packages in an interoperable format (RDF using the ADMS.SW 1.0 ontology). Thus, each package in Debian can be identified on the Semantic Web with a unique URI like, which is dereferenceable as RDF. Here s a graph representing the resources included in (click on the image to load it) :
You can see an example of such an RDF representation for the apache2 source package in trying (with the raptor2-utils package installed):

$ rapper -o turtle
If you prefer more visual/navigatable versions, use one of the Linked Data browsers referenced in wikipedia or see the output of the W3C RDF validator. For more details about the underlying format see a raw RDF/XML dump :

$ curl -L -v -H 'Accept: application/rdf+xml'
Any Semantic Web application can then reference that resource, which becomes part of the Linked Open Data cloud. There are probably lots of uses that could emerge from this, but the immediate I can think of is the matching of Debian packages with other packages/projects (upstream, downstream, other dists) in an interoperable way (see other projects like distromatch, etc.). At the moment, the doap:homepage of the upstream SoftwareProject resources generated by the PTS can be such a simple matching key (it s actually much more complex than that, but will be the topic of further efforts). AFAICT, this is the first large deployment of an ADMS.SW 1.0 implementation. On my machine, I ve counted almost 1.5 million triples generated. Stay tuned for more installments on similar topics.

